# pacman -S mongodb
2. Edit some options of the configuration file in /etc/mongodb.conf
standard file:
# See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/File+Based+Configuration for format details
# Run mongod --help to see a list of options
bind_ip =
quiet = true
dbpath = /var/lib/mongodb
logpath = /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
logappend = true
edited file:
dbPath: /mongodb/data/db
directoryPerDB: true
destination: file
path: "/mongodb/log/mongo.log"
logAppend: true
verbosity: 3
quiet: true
RESTInterfaceEnabled: true
Note 1: the dbpath and log path refer to /mongodb/data/db and /mongodb/log, respectively. These directories must be created and chown to user mongodb and group daemon;
Note 2: the log path points to a file mongo.log that must be created: touch /mongodb/log/mongo.log;
Note 3: by enabling the REST API, the HTTP interface is also enabled and, as a result, can increase network exposure.
# systemctl start mongodb.service
4. Basic configuration for non-daemon execution:
# mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath /mongodb/data/db --logpath /mongodb/log/mongo.log --logappend --rest
parameters description:
--directoryperdb -> each database will be stored in a separate directory;
--dbpath -> directory for datafiles - defaults to /data/db;
--logpath -> log file to send write to instead of stdout - has to be a file, not directory;
--logappend -> append to logpath instead of over-writing;
--rest -> turn on simple rest api;
5. To access the Database shell:
# mongo
6. Basic commands for beginners:
- list all existing databases
# show dbs
- create and switch to a new database
# use <db>
- check the current database
# db
- create a new user for the current database
# db.createUser({
roles:["readWrite", "dbAdmin"]
- create a new collection
# db.createCollection('<collection_name>');
- list all collections for the current database
# show collections
- insert a document (record) in the collection
# db.<collection_name>.insert({
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Doe"
- create a new user for the current database
# db.createUser({
roles:["readWrite", "dbAdmin"]
- create a new collection
# db.createCollection('<collection_name>');
- list all collections for the current database
# show collections
- insert a document (record) in the collection
# db.<collection_name>.insert({
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Doe"
- list documents in the collection
# db.<collection_name>.find()
# db.<collection_name>.find().pretty()
- update a document / set (add) a new field
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"John"},{first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", gender:"male"});
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"John"},{$set:{gender:"male", age: 45}});
- update a document / set (add) a new field
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"John"},{first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe", gender:"male"});
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"John"},{$set:{gender:"male", age: 45}});
- increment function
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"John"},{$inc:{age: 5}});
- unset (remove) a field in the document
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"John"},{$unset:{age:1}});
- upsert option (update if found, or insert if not found)
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"Mary"},{first_name: "Mary", last_name: "Poppings", gender:"female"},{upsert: true});
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"John"},{$inc:{age: 5}});
- unset (remove) a field in the document
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"John"},{$unset:{age:1}});
- upsert option (update if found, or insert if not found)
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"Mary"},{first_name: "Mary", last_name: "Poppings", gender:"female"},{upsert: true});
- rename an attribute (field)
# db.<collection_name>.update({first_name:"Mary"},{$rename:{"gender":"sex"}});
- remove a document (record)
# db.<collection_name>.remove({first_name:"Mary"})
# db.<collection_name>.remove({first_name:"Mary"},{justOne: true})
- search a specific document (record)
# db.<collection_name>.find({first_name: "John"})
# db.<collection_name>.find({$or:[{first_name: "John"},{first_name: "Mary"}]})
- search with options "lower than" or "greater than"
# db.<collection_name>.find({age:{$lt:40}})
other options: lt/lte/gt/gte
- sort documents
# db.<collection_name>.find().sort({first_name:1})
options: 1 (ascending), -1 (descending)
- count documents
# db.<collection_name>.find().count()
- limit the record count (first x documents)
# db.<collection_name>.find().limit(x)
- using forEarch and custom output
# db.<collection_name>.find().forEach(function(doc){print("Customer Name: "+doc.first_name)})
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